17 03 2007

Peeps, I’m about to piss myself with excitement! I HAVE FINALLY UPLOADED MY PHOTOS! Aren’t you just as excited as I am. XD HAHAHA. Oh, but none of the photos are edited in ANY way, ’cause i still don’t have adobe on this computer. Neways, click to enlarge keh?

Middle school to the right, library to the left and PAC up front.

Wood, metal and plastic work rooms to the right and the rest of the classrooms to the left.


Part of the oval. ITS HUGE.


Sunset at Fremantle.

I like!

At Curtin. You see how it says “Department of” and nothing else…thats ’cause in the word “Department” three letters “a”, “r” and “t” are red. Can you see that? Do you now know what department it is. 😉

My cousin (pushing the trolley) and my sister (on the trolley). Shopping. 🙂 Grocery sja lah.

FOB’s new album. I WANT! T_T

How cute is she?! My cousin’s relative. DAMN CUTE!


Hottest day I’ve ever experienced. 42 degrees!

Remember Bilal and Hasnah? THEY’RE ALL GROWN UP NOW. And its only been 3 months. 😦


Anywayyy…i went out for dinner last night with my relatives and all. Theres this really famous place called Sizzler. Its awesome mannn.
(warning: please restrain yourself from biting/licking/eating any part of your computer out of hunger. I will not take blame for anything)

Beef and vegetable soup. Doesn’t look to appetizing? Fiiine, your opinion, but the taste is kibfkjbdskjn! MMMMMMMMMMMH!



There was a salad bar, soup bar, desert bar, drinks bar, bar bar… you have to order the main meal from the menu, but the rest goes along with the ‘all you can eat’ rule. =D yum right? I literally stuffed myself last night.

Next topic:
I’ve been practicing my cursive handwriting lately. =P

Feels like being back in kindergarten.

I have a smart card! Cool eh?

Last but not least:


bye loves.